Sir Christopher Wren Hotel – Windsor

There was an opportunity to infill the space between two Grade II Listed Buildings in Thames Street and reinforce the urban cadence of the street by introducing a three-storey infill sympathetic to the historic style of the existing buildings.

During the development of the design, a positive dialogue was held with the Planning Authority and Historic England. The final proposals were positively endorsed by Historic England.

The works also involved the complete refurbishment of the building on the right-hand side, including the reinstatement of the three original first floor window openings and a new Victorian style shopfront.
The scheme provides additional characterful bedrooms for the Sir Christopher Wren Hotel on the first and second floors whilst at ground floor a new conference room was fitted out in the existing building and where further development was prohibited due to being in the Flood Plain, a gated archway was created which acts as a safe outdoor route to the hotel bedrooms located beyond.